Inspection services provided by laboratory:

  • Metallographic testing - characterization of metals by identifying micro structure. Sample preparation may be carried out either within the laboratory (as a metallographic sample) or on permisses on-site (as a replica slide).

  • Chemical analysis test - identifying the chemical composition of liquid precipitation/identification materials. Qualitative analysis is performed via EDS method with a scanning electron microscope. Qualitative  analysis is perforde by spark spectrometer.

  • Mechanical tests - hardness testing (Vickers and knup), tensile testing and impact testing.

  • Coating quality inspection - measure thickness, continuity and adhesion.

  • Microscopy - from macroscopy (up to X100) with light microscope (up to X1000) and scanning electron microscope (up to X100,000).

  • Temperature measurments - continuous review and / or a changes, with accuracy of 0.1º.

  • Potenziodynamic & Corrossion behavior - Corrosion behavior of different materials are tested within the laboratory.

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